2nd of January 2010,
It is a Nuffnang Friso Family day out event organized by Nuffnang & Friso.
It is the first time, I and my daddy join the Nuffnang’s contest – “Curious Kids need to be tough inside”!
And, we have been invited to attend this event! Yahooo!
I am the lucky star for my daddy.
So, my daddy able to join the contest else I think he will stay at home – Sleep.
For Nuffnang bloggers who still don’t have kids at the moment,
Don’t feel disappointed or upset, please try hard this year and come to join for next season!
It is also the first times;

I come to KizSports & Gym, One Utama (Old Wing).
It is a paradise for all the kids!
80 couple with their children and all the Nuffnang & Friso staffs.
All families line up with their children and register themselves.
Vanessa: "Can you spot the beautiful “Jie jie” at the register counter there?"
After we register, I obtain a Friso T-shirt!
My mummy helps me to put Friso T-shirt on;
It is too big for me.
Of course, we take family photos as well.
Of course, we take family photos as well.
I really don’t know why my parent put me at there and keep asking me to see the camera!
I feel so shy because everyone looking at me.
I can’t wait anymore and I go inside KidSport & Gym playground.
After I’m finish parking my baby car, I start my adventures journey with a map.
I am leaving my parent behind!
Wah! It is a wonderful day for me!
See the photos! I make some friends there too and play with them.
Unlucky, I still under ages, I cannot join some more challenges games. : (
However, there is a playground strictly reserved for kid - 3 ages and below.
However, there is a playground strictly reserved for kid - 3 ages and below.
And, food & drink not allowed and socks must be worn all the times!
Next time, I will invite my friends for my birthday party here!
Vanessa: “Daddy, Can you sponsor me?”
Guess what is the next?
After Friso & Nuffnang organizer give a talk,
A Nuffnang blogger popup in front of my daddy,
It is really surprise my daddy.
Can you guess who is she?
Can you guess who is she?
Again, it is first time that my daddy meets his bloggers friends here.
From left: My Daddy, me, Breanna, Cynthia, Merryn, Ethan & Mummy Ling.
My daddy and Ethan are lucky man today,
Because they are surrounded by all beautiful girls includes me.
There is a class for my parent!
A Friso specialist gives a talk about “How to increase your Child’s Immunity?”
Again, an experience mummy shares how to solve problems created by her children.
If you are newbie parent, better you attend this class!
I hope my daddy & mummy can learn something from the classJ.
I saw a super daughter here!
Vanessa: “Daddy, I want to fly like Brenna!”
After class, we have our lunch here! Horray! Horray!
Vanessa: “Merryn Jie Jie, why Ethan eat fruits only?”
“Should i call Jie Jie or Aunt?”
“Should i call Jie Jie or Aunt?”
Beside play around, there is a magic show here as well!
Before magic show start, there is a rock dance presented by volunteer children!
They are cool because they dance almost like Michael Jackson.
I like the DJ – he is our funny superstar!
"Let we shake our body!"
Can you see the ghost?
Can you see the ghost?
He is our magician!
He is trying to fly up the table… can you see that!
How the magic show?
It is perfect!
After magic show, it is the gift presentation time!
After magic show, it is the gift presentation time!
Every parent is nervous and exciting!
And, the result is.....
All the winners will obtain the Toys ‘R’ Us RM100 cash vouchers!
Can you see that Merryn & Mummy Ling win the prize?
She is the grand prize winner and win 3D/2N Family trip for 4 to HONG KONG DISNEYLAND!
I and Daddy would like to congratulate to all the winners above.
Vanessa: “Daddy, don’t give up and please join the contest next season ok?”
I would like to thank all the people above and same to all the Friso & Nuffnang staffs for this fantastic event.
It is time to go home!
Vanessa: “I want to join this event again”
Daddy: “Why????????”
Vanessa:“I can play, I can learn, I make friends, I have fun & some more I have free gifts as well!”
Vanessa and the kids must be having lots of fun at that event. Congratz to Merryn & Ling.
hey bro...nice to see u for second time....din take picture with u again....next outing ler.
wah...nice goodie bag...they give after the event?
Voon and CheahSan, thanks for the wish.
Anyway, Voon u r still entitle to join the Post Event contest. Ur post is great!! Gambateh!
Lovely photos. Looks like a fun place.
she's just so adorable.. and i find her looks like you leh.. :)
Wow, both you and via's family also participated in this event, interesting!!!~
Looked like a busy family day out for you! :)
lol the shirt is really tooooo big for her. :P
nice day out for all of us ya.. :D the flying Breanna.. nhahahhaa..
Nice, you able to take pics for all the winners.
CheaHS@n: Yes, I agree with you.
Vialentino: hahaha Yes, it is 2nd time! Never take photos with you as well. Maybe… next time!
Yes, they give after the event.
Mommy Ling: You are welcome. Just join for fun… .
June: yes it is really fun, I hope I can back to future 20 years… then I think I am fun too! Hahaha
SK: 10q… sure la… brother! She is my daughter mah hahaha
cHrIstInA_YY: I think almost 80% nuffnang bloggers join as well
Mei Teng: It is really rush hour for me… I need to back and prepare go to Ukraine as well.
Elaine: hahaha agree… this is the only size gua for her…
Cynthia: hahaha Your daughter is supergirl hehehe
Mummy Moon: every photos i also took hehe
eh.. your pic is much leng zai than your profile pic leh. AHAHAHAH..
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