A story between CEO and workers.
There is a company going to bankrupt soon.
High paid salary CEO announced that
"All workers' salary have to be deducted"
"Else this company will bankrupt very soon ~ 2011"
"And, that all workers will be jobless"
Workers wonder why their salary need to be cut?
They ask among themselves.
"We work very hard and run the company"
"We not make any mistakes"
"Why CEO cut our salary instead or he cut his own high paid salary?"
Maybe, workers are COWARD to question their CEO.
Because, if they question it, they will be fired immediately.
The question is who should be the one responsible for the company if the company bankrupt?
As a CEO, he is the one responsible to success and bring the company to better future.
Workers work to fulfill what CEO's instruction.
CEO always emphasize that
"He works for workers"
"He thinks about workers' need"
"He listens to workers"
I alway believe that TALK is damn easy than ACTION.
But, when problems come he push all the problems to workers to suffer.
Reduce hundred ringgits for poor workers,
Make they suffers more in their life.
Reduce hundred ringgits for CEO is total nothing.
CEO forgets that his spend a lot of unnecessary expenses.
Such as "Send a worker to learn how to become Astronaut"
But, he forgets that his company's function is palm oil processing factory.
What is the benefit if his worker become Astronaut?
Maybe, CEO plan to plant a Palm trees at the MAR planet?
If i am the Boss of the company,
I will tell the CEO: